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An autism evaluation is a targeted assessment of a child’s social communication skills along with an opportunity to observe and discuss restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. An autism evaluation is important because it helps to identify (or rule out) the presence of Autism Spectrum Disability (ASD), and a diagnosis opens the door to access services and supports.
At Caravel Counseling & Diagnostics, we use a team-based approach to assessment. Depending on insurance requirements, a doctor may complete an initial interview with a parent or caregiver and then conduct a structured observation of the child. In other instances, a master’s level clinician (referred to as a Diagnostic Clinical Therapist) may conduct the interview and administer psychological tests to the child, with the doctor interpreting the results and providing feedback.
When looking specifically at Autism Spectrum Disability (ASD), a diagnostician will be evaluating a child’s ability to socially connect and communicate, as well as asking about and observing restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior (e.g., simple motor stereotypes, sensory issues, and problems with change).
There is no average age to receive an autism diagnosis, and we encourage parents to receive an evaluation as early as possible when they start to be concerned about their child’s development. We can start seeing signs of social communication deficits as early as 12 months of age, with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior emerging between 12 and 36 months of age.
Included in the evaluation process is an initial interview, which can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Following the interview, depending on the evaluation format, the assessment can take 30 minutes to three hours. Finally, there is a parent/caregiver feedback appointment, which can take, depending on the amount of information to discuss, 30 to 60 minutes.
If your child receives a telehealth evaluation, depending on his or her age and level of communication skills, you can expect to support the doctor’s observations by engaging in a number of structured activities with your child (older children with more developed communication skills will interact directly with the doctor). If your child receives an in-person evaluation, depending on his or her age and level of communication skills, you will be asked to sit in the room with the technician as the tests are administered to your child. If your child is older and has age-appropriate language skills, you may be asked to wait in the waiting room.
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