Category: Resources
Savvy Shoppers: “Shopping with Kids Doesn’t need to be Scary!”
Can parents of young children enjoy shopping, or should they avoid shopping with their children altogether? Shopping with young children can be challenging. Children with autism in particular may have difficulties with shopping because of crowds, fear of the unknown, overstimulation, sensory processing difficulties, and past shopping experiences. As a parent, it can be scary…
Why should my child play? What is play? How do I introduce or encourage my child to play?
We often hear these questions or comments when talking with parents. Each of these questions will be addressed below. Why should my child play? What is my child learning through play? Increases body awareness Increases awareness of others Introduces compromise and social problem solving Promotes conversation skills Promotes social skills such as sharing and turn…
Tips for Parents: Understanding development, psychological evaluation, and autism diagnosis.
While every child grows and learns in their own unique way, we know that every human develops certain skills (milestones) at relatively the same point in time. These are milestones such as walking, smiling, talking and playing with others. But what happens if your child isn’t reaching these milestones? Or what does it mean if…
Advancement Steps to Clear Leader-Gender Equity
At Caravel, we are working hard to ensure that our leadership reflects our society. This data highlights the progress we have made to promote women in leadership. And we are just getting started. [shortcode_button type=”business” align=”center” target=”_self” link=”” color=”#0095b4″ bg_color_hover=”#16becf” icon=”none” font_color=”#ffffff” font_color_hover=”#ffffff”]EXPLORE OPEN POSITIONS[/shortcode_button]
Triumphs of Independence – Big and Small
As one Caravel team member explains, “This story always sticks with me.” It was thanks to the power of “Do this” (learning to imitate) that one child was able to celebrate his birthday for the first time. Initially, the boy had a hard time imitating others or following directions, which limited participation in school and…
Parent Coping Tips
Raising a child diagnosed with a developmental disability or delay can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. Parents of children with special needs often have many new responsibilities, such as weekly therapy and doctor appointments, learning new therapeutic strategies to use at home, and learning to advocate in new ways for your child.
Tips: How to guide kids to be a friend to someone with autism
Helping your child develop acceptance towards others that are different can be challenging. You may be thinking, “Where do I start?” When your child sees that all children want to have friends, share interests, and be accepted, they may be more likely to initiate friendships with children that are at risk for being bullied or…
Imagine Adds Diagnostic Evaluation Services for Children Who May Have Autism
Imagine, a Caravel Autism Health Company, is now providing diagnostic evaluation services in the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area for children who may be on the autism spectrum. Assessments and evaluations are conducted by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who is specially trained in evaluating children who may have autism spectrum disorder. Imagine is accepting appointments for diagnostic…
Successfully navigating the road back to school
Returning to school can be a stressful time for all families, but especially so for those with kids on the autism spectrum.